Kamis, 27 Mei 2021

Kedemungan village

Name:Dimas Lailatul Magfiroh 
Class:X IPS 2

Here I will tell you about where I live "Kedemungan Village". There are many places around the Kedemungan village, starting from factories, mystical places, rivers, and so on .


The picture above is where I lived from childhood until now. Previously my place was an empty place and lots of trees, wild plants there were like forests. But since my father and mother got married, they decided to live in that place.They built houses and cleaned wild plants and became a comfortable house to live in until now.

The picture is a chicken factory near my house. This factory was just built in 2018. The workers at this factory are very clean. The workers are required to take a shower 4x. The waste in this livestock factory is not thrown away but burned.


The next picture is one of the alleys in the village of Kedemungan. This is close to my house, just by walking, I arrive. I usually go to the alley to wait for the vegetable sellers. The vegetable sellers always stop at the alley. 

the next picture is the Gedung manten. The villagers call it the "Gedung Manten" because the place is like a bride and groom place. there are beautiful flowers and there are trees like bridal ornaments. It is said that in the past it could be said to be "Gedung Manten" because there was a new bride washing clothes in the river. Then there was a flood which washed away the newlyweds.

    the picture is a place around me, namely "Dam Selowongko". This place is a place to measure water when the flood arrives. this place is next to "Gedung Manten". Many say that "Dam Selowongko" is a haunted place because many people see the appearance of a girl all over her body with a fire called "Demamang".

                               THANK YOU